Dough Free Pizza

A dough-less, flour-less gluten free recipe for a tasty veggie pizza still full of a great harmony of tastes and flavours.

2 zucchini
1-2 teaspoons salt
1/2 Broccoli
3 eggs
200 g low fat cheese

1 middle sized onion
1 can chopped tomatoes
1 can tomato paste (140 g)
1-2 cloves of garlic

5 big champignons
200 g of chicken breasts
2 mozzarellas 
1 middle sized bell pepper

1) Preheat your oven to 200 °C and warm up all your ingredients to room temperature.

2) Finely grate 2 zucchinis. Put them in a sift over a bowl and salt using 1-2 teaspoons salt. Let "sweat" for at least 10. Best 1 hour. Squeeze out the zucchini over the sift at the end.

3) Cut 1/2 Broccoli into smaller pieces, get rid of the wooden parts and put them into a food processor and mix until finely chopped.
4) In a bowl mix together finely grated zucchinis, the finely chopped broccoli 200 g of finely grated low fat cheese, 3 eggs and mix until combined.

5) Line a baking tray with a baking sheet and pour the dough mixture onto the paper. Spread into an even sheet.
6) Put the baking tray into the oven and bake at 200 °C for at least 45 minutes or at least until the dough starts to be golden.
7) While the crust is baking we can prepare our pizza sauce also called sugo. Finely dice 1 middle sized onion. Fry in a greased pan until golden brown. 

8) Add 1 tin can of diced tomatoes, 1 can of tomato paste, basil (either fresh cut or dried), salt, pepper and 2 minced cloves of garlic. Let simmer for about 5 minutes.

9) Slice 5 champignons, 2 mozzarellas and 1 bell pepper. Cut the chicken breasts into smaller pieces. Shortly fry the chicken meat.

10) Evenly cover the pizza crust with the pizza sauce, sliced mozzarella, veggies and chicken meat.
11) Bake the pizza for at least 15-20 minutes at 200 °C until the mozzarella starts to melt.


Tips & Tricks:
This recipe is best to be done with a kitchen robot that will grate the zucchini for you. Doing it by hand would be too much a chore and would take who knows how log. 
When it comes to cheese, the harder the better. If you're not on a diet and want to have more taste in your pizza, you can use parmezan or a similar type of cheese.
We recently started growing our own herbs and we have to say that they are wonderful! The taste is so much richer than the fried ones. 
You basically don't need to use chicken at all. You could use any sort of salami or fish or even go without.
